Apartamento en alquiler en Jerez de la Frontera() para 6 personas. Beautiful apartment in historic house downtown Jerez

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90 €/día 3 ¡Reserva ahora!


Interior:Cocina, Televisión, Lavadora, Microondas, Nevera
Ubicacion: Cerca campo de Golf
Located in a historic house built in 1891. All the furniture and amenities are brand-new. One of the bedroom has the old wood beams exposed, which gives the room a lot of character. Very sunny, clean, and comfortable. Amazing views from the living...

Capacidades, distribución y precios

apartamento (6 personas): 3 hab. doble sin baño, 1 baños

Desde/hastaNocheFin semanaSemanaQuincenaMesMínino noches
01-ene. / 31-dic.90€----2
01-ene. / 31-dic.90€----2
01-ene. / 31-dic.90€----2


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